This is the year

Tired of going to work?
Tired of someone else telling you what to do?
In the factory, the supermarket, the construction:

This is the standard, you should follow it.
This is your place, you should stay here.
This is the job, you should do it.

The teacher and the boss, putting you in a box.
Giving you the rules, driving your life.

Your passion? Your interests? Don’t matter!
Your personality? Your strengths? Not needed.
You have a job. That’s who you are.



We are the ones. The important ones.
And we can!

we can try, do, experiment, and Innovate.

That boring activity? you can automate it
Complicated tasks? you can change it
Time-consuming job? you can reduce it

The time is now.
Time to defy the standard, to fix what bugs you, to fight for what is right

To get rid of clutter,
to make it shine

Go, see and listen to the beat, set-it-up, and let it flow.

This is the year.

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