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Positive Interactions

Being interested, expressing affection, giving appreciation, finding opportunities for agreement, empathizing, apologizing and using humor are good ingredients for building lasting relationships.

Countering these positive interactions, are the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”. Dr. John Gottman uses this metaphor to describe four communication styles capable of destroying relationships:

Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling.

If you are experiencing a lot of positive interactions throughout your day, it is likely you are in an high performing environment. Your time would be filled with humor, empathy, appreciation, interest, and affection.
On the other hand, in a low performing environment, we might be facing excessive critiques, contempt or defensiveness.

One might think it is necessary to deliver high performance before receiving positive interactions. In fact it often goes the other way around: we can start having positive interactions and see increased performance as consequence.

Is getting from low performance to high performance as simple as just starting to have more positive interactions?

Although positive interactions alone are probably not the only ingredient for success, these will go a long way in boosting motivation and performance.


Wish you an excellent week.

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