The biggest kind of waste is needing to repair something after a mistake has been done. Therefore you need to do it right the first time!
With this argumentation and thinking pattern I was confronted many times in my career. But is making a mistake really that bad? Is it worth o spend so much time and effort to ensure nothing can go wrong during the execution of a certain task? Certainly for safety, quality or other critical aspects it is not a good idea to depend on good luck. However, by not admitting mistakes or requesting everyone to do the right thing the first time, the learning of an organization might be strongly delayed.
Certain mindsets are advantageous for creating an environment where the learning and continuous improvement can flourish.
Below you will find the 3 essential mindsets for problem solving. Enjoy your reading.
No Finger pointing
As soon as a problem has been discovered, it is common practice to point out to someone, blaming the one responsible for causing it. This pointing out of failures to other persons or departments, will most likely be confronted with a defensive behavior setting the stage for a battle about guilt or innocence. The importance of knowing where the problem has been originated is certainly the key to find a solution, this should however not mean that anyone has guilt. When approaching a problem, it is far more effective not to blame any department or person. Seeking to understand, go and see what has happened and why it happened is far more productive towards finding a solution. Thinking of each problem being caused by a failure in the management system or a failure in the process is way more positive and enables an open approach in the problem solving process. Only by not attributing any blame to any employee, the real capability of problem solving can be unlocked in the organization.
Problems are treasures
Oh… again these parts don’t fit. I told them 100 times that the outer diameter need to be grinded and cleaned after machining. Otherwise it’s impossible to fit them in the housing. Why is that so difficult to be understood?
Sounds familiar? Problems are just problems…. A lot of trouble which need to be handled…. Something that went wrong, when nothing is supposed to go wrong… Our blood pressure increase, the stress level rises…. There is little understanding on why these problems doesn’t stop popping up.
If you have been in this situation, then I have one information for you: Problems are like ninjas. Whenever you kill one, two more will appear to haunt you. So… just sit down and relax… there is an infinite quantity of problems waiting for you every day. If you don’t like to face problems, then it is better not even to get up from bed. So, get your samurai sword and be prepared to face the endless quantity of problems waiting for you.
Oh…. Again these parts don’t fit. Now the time has come… I need to get to the bottom of this. Why is it not possible that these parts arrive here grinded and cleaned as they should be?
The problem is not a burden, it is the starting point for an investigation, a possibility for improvement. If I am able to solve this problem permanently, then it is most likely that the process also have been permanently improved, and then again it is most likely that resources have been saved. So the money can be saved and life can become easier by solving problems. Problems are treasures.
Tere is still other aspect of a problem that is not often directly considered. Any problem in itself has something capable to spark a lot of joy and satisfaction. This something is called sense of achievement. Being able to permanently solve a problem is a gift and the joy gotten from this activity is highly addictive. Even though problems never stop popping up, they highlight where something can be improved and by improving, joy and satisfaction can be achieved. It might be not so bad to have many problems at all. They are treasures, lets enjoy solving them unlashing all the savings and improvements.
At the Gemba
Hello Simon, I need to talk to you about that problem on the switch from last week. Now we are having some difficulties to get the right interface for the electric connection. So how about we meet tomorrow morning in your office to talk about. Best regards, Helena.
Hello Simon, I need to talk to you about that problem on the switch from last week. Now we are having some difficulties to get the right interface for the electric connection. So how about we meet in 1 hour at the machine in the assembly area to talk about. Best regards, Helena.
How does the 2 sentences sound and feel to you? You think the second sounds better? It’s an immediate action and going to the hot spot where the switch is installed. It is of great importance to see the problem for yourself and to arrive at your own conclusions, gathering a broad range of ideas and impressions related to the real situation.
Problems which are solved at the place where they occurred have higher chances to not occur again. That’s Go and See.
More ideas? Let’s talk… to the forum.